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Transcription: [00:06:00]
{SPEAKER name="Zhang Chun Hong"}
One time I was in the reception with my classmates, and one of the classmates has to leave and she told me--her name is Janet--she said 'Hong, I have to go otherwise, I will be in doghouse.' I said 'oh.'

She said, 'Just tell the rest of the people if they ask me "where is Janet" you just repeat what I told you.' I said ok. So five minutes later, my other classmates came over they said 'where is Janet?' and I said 'oh, she went to the dogroom.'

(both laugh)

So everybody started laughing, I had no idea. I thought I repeated exactly what she told me but... funny how you switched a certain words and become something funny.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
Well I have to say you speak English very well.
{SPEAKER name="Zhang Chun Hong"}
Oh, thank you. I hope I didn't make mistake during this conversation.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
No, um, I actually admire you for that because I cannot speak any other languages, so.

Umm, I had a question though after looking at your art which I thought was absolutely beautiful. Have you always worked with charcoal or was there any other you know um...

{SPEAKER name="Zhang Chun Hong"}
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}

I have worked with the oil pens,
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
Oh okay.
{SPEAKER name="Zhang Chun Hong"}
and charcoals and also ink painting. Ink painting is my first major

when I went to school in Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, that's what I trained as an ink painting medium. But after I came to America I found the charcoal

was appropriate to this large scale drawings--it can get the darkness and the visual gravity and the visual sense of seeing the work in a very monumental way.

So charcoal really can achieve that rather than ink painting--ink, you can get something very like watercolor-based more transparent, light-weighted

Transcription Notes:
Please include time stamps frequently, especially when speakers change.