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October 31, 1969

Dear Tom:

As agreed I take pleasure in forwarding, under separate cover a transparency of the stunning painting by:

MONTICELLI - "Assumed portrait of the Duchesse Agne de Spolète"

And herewith the description relating to it.

Its selling price, as you will recall, is $30,000 (THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS)

Should the collector you have in mind not be interested would you be so good as to return the transparency.

Ethlyne and I both enjoyed much having your company and seeing you full of your usual dynamism. I do hope that you reached Dayton without any further trace of that threatening cold.

With warm regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

P.S. May I add that I have not yet received the Bulletin from your Museum you were referring to.

Mr. Thomas C. Colt, Jr.
The Dayton Art Institute
Forest and Riverview Avenues
Dayton, Ohio 45401


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