The Jacques Seligmann & Co. records in the Archives of American Art are among the world's foremost resources for provenance research. The collection documents the business dealings of international art galleries which were active for nearly a century, and it contains invaluable information for tracing the provenance of artworks which passed through the Jacques Seligmann & Company holdings. Germain Seligman became a partner in the firm and ran the US operations beginning in 1920, and then later became president, a position he held until his death in 1978. These files from his personal correspondence contain information about sales and the day-to-day running of the galleries while he was commuting back and forth between the firm's Paris and New York locations. Special project instructions: Germain Seligman was fluent in French. Nearly all correspondence files contain some text in French. This project also contains German. Please keep the transcription in the original languages and include diacritics when present. Please do not offer translation of the document. Seligman sometimes handwrote long responses to gallery staff directly in the margins of their own typewritten letters. In these cases, please transcribe each full letter on the page separately as two continuous wholes. For Seligman's shorter annotations in the margins of staff letters, please see Advanced Instructions for marginalia.