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July 10, 1969

Dear Mr. Seligman:
Thank you for your letter of July 2nd.

Re: 1st shipment: Received yesterday letter from Lef. Foinet with copies of invoices(only for customs purposes) advising me that he is shipping 3 cases (he does not state when!!!) including:

Antique Frame
Fantin Latour  drawing
Aubry  drawing
Da Empolei  drawing
Muller Chas.  drawing
Muller Chas.  drawing
Peyron  drawing
Peyron  drawing
Monticelli  painting
Somm  Henry  watercolor

As up to now Bemo has no papers nor shipment.-

Re 2nd shipment: Thank you for your information as regards the four drawings. Enclosed please find copy of my letter to Mr. Thompson re. purchase of drawing by Lagneau.- marine insurance.

Trip to Zurich: Informed Mrs. Parker as per your wish and transferred today $500.-- in Travellers checks to be obtained by you or Mrs. Seligman at American Express Zurich. Please pick up even if you do not need them. It is very hard to transfer them back etc. In case they are not used we simply deposit them in our account.-

Re: Umbrella Insurance: Enclosed photocopy of binder with address of Schiff-Terhune and Tel. number. The man who handles our account is Mr. Clemenson.

Hotel Excelsior, Florence. In your letter you mentioned a motor accident being the reason for your cancellation.- I do hope it was only used as excuse or in case it really occurred it was a very minor one?? I do hope.-

Missing shoe: Mrs. Harris has started tracing procedures through the Postoffice.

Miss Duesberry: She is back since Monday, working in the Frick and here. She looks quite good, under the circumstances, of course. What is very important-she is in good mood!!!

International Directory of Arts: Enclosed copy of letter just received addressed to you!! which is self-explanatory.

Apt. mail: Again some bills for Mrs. Seligman

M r. Robbins: I talked to him the other day as regards our closing and the mail being transferred to his office. He is leaving about Aug. 8th and Mrs. Galton will take care the rest of the month.

These are all the news and my next letter will be to Zurich. With best regards,

very sincerely

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 15:12:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-26 15:09:57.