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children in the Asylum, these are mostly quite young, none being over (12) twelve years of age If required, (100) one hundred more could be accommodated.

There are, at present (78) patients in Hospital, the majority are very old persons unable to do any thing for their support; the others are subject to "Fits" or temporary attacks of Insanity. A building for the latter class is very much needed. During the past month (4) four deaths occurred.

At present there are (4) four schools in operation in the District. They are all well attended and succeedingly well managed; one at Meridian under the auspices of the "American Missionary Association" (2) two at Lauderdale by the Society of "Friends", the one at De Kalb, in Kemper Co. is taught by Miss Oppell, a resident of that place. I have received this day Circular No 5 C.S. War Dept. Bu. R.F. and A.L. and will give a more extended report in a few days. 

Destitute White 
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