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Head Quarters Sub District of Lauderdale
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abd. Lands
Lauderdale, Miss. April 9, 1867

Maj A.W. Preston
A.A.A. Genl Bu. R.F. and A.L.
State of Mississippi
Vicksburg, Miss.
In compliance with the provisions of Circular No 5 C.S. from the Office of the Commissioner of the Bu.R.F and A.L., I have the honor to report that I have visited the schools now in operation in this District and I find them in a fine condition; all of them have been reported before and the teacher of it has informed me that in future she will report the school at Meridian, under the management of the American Missionary Association, is the largest in the District, numbering over 150 scholars. [[three]] teachers to the same; and, I think it is important that another be sent to their place as fifty scholars are as many as one teacher can attend to and do justice by them. Were there sufficient accommodations provided for them, there are over 300 children to attend the school at Meridian.

In the town of Marion, there are between 50 and 70 children without any school they are very anxious to have one opened, and the greater portion of the expense to carry it on would be paid by the Freedmen. At Enterprise, a school would be self-supporting if a teacher could be sent there. There was a school at the 

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