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May 6  7

Asst. Adj't General
Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Washington, D.C.

In compliance with Circular No. 12 War Department Bu. R.F. and A.L. and A.S. Washington D.C. dated December 8, 1866. I have the honor to report that I am stationed at Lauderdale, Miss., performing the duties of Sub. Asst. Commr. Dist of Lauderdale from Special Orders No. 9 Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Miss. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Office Asst. Commr, State of Miss. Vicksburg Miss, dated Feby 2d 1867

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant

Capt. Vet. Res. Corps.