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May 9th 7

Maj. A.W. Preston
Sub Dist of Miss.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to respectfully recommend to the General Commanding that the Clerks here be allowed to occupy that portion of the Asylum Buildings unoccupied. There at present only 64 children in the Asylum, leaving one wing entirely empty; and the situation is much more desirable than this present locality. The close proximity of the Hospital to their present quarters has many objections, and might be of serious consequence during the coming Summer months. The expense of making these quarters comfortable will not be as much as when they are at present locales and as a matter of economy, I think this change is desirable.
I am supported in this view by Maj. Catlin Commr at this Post who informed me, that he was directed to occupy the building near the Hospital, and unless otherwise directed,