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Office Sub-Asst Commissioner
Sub Dist of Lauderdale
Lauderdale, Miss, August 20, 1867

Major Thomas H. Norton, U.S.A.
Commanding Post of Meridian
Meridian, Miss

In reply to your communication on the 18th inst. in which I am requested to report what action I have taken towards making the arrest of John W. Gully of Kemper Co., I have the honor to inform you that I have not made any attempt to arrest him. 

On a recent visit to Neshoba and Kemper Counties, I saw Mr. Gully, and would have arrested him, had I been instructed to do so. I made some inquiries about the matter. I found that the complainant, Elizabeth McMaster, had made an affidavit to the effect that the statement she made before me was false (see enclosed affidavit). She informed me that she was induced by intimidation to make the last mentioned affidavit, and that it is false. She stated to me that Gully's friends told her if she did not sign the affidavit, which was written by Gully or his friends, that she would be put into the penitentiary , and other threats. They required of her to make further acknowledgement that she has attempted to injure Gully; that he had never mistreated her &c. The manner in which Gully has acted in this matter more fully  confirms my belief of his guilt. 

Transcription Notes:
I've seen a Thomas H. Norton on other pages, so I think that is the name but not positive