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Office Howard Asylum,
Lauderdale, Miss April 25th, 18[[68]]

Major S.C. Greene, 24th Inft.
A.A.A. Gen: Bu. R.F. &c,
Vicksburg, Miss.


I would respectfully state that the grounds used for Cemeterial purposes in connection with this institution, are without enclosures and entirely exposed; Also the buildings and grounds of the institution are open and exposed   Much repairing is needed to put those buildings in in order.

I, therefore, have the honor to request that I have permission to purchase twelve thousand (12,000) feet of lumber, as fully that amount will be required to put the place in such condition as convenience and respectibility demand.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
O.C. French 
Agent Bu. R.F and A.L.