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Office. Howard Asylum.
Lauderdale Miss. May 8, 1868.

Lieut. J. W. Sunderland, 24" Inft.
D.O. and A.A.Q.M. Bu. RF and A.L.
Vicksburg, Miss.

Two horses were received here yesterday, sent from Vicksburg; and will be held subject to orders from you. You will please inform me as to what you wish done with them. They are unfit for use, being poor, old and stiff. They could be [[strikethrough]] servicable [[/strikethrough]] used for ambulance or wagon horses, where they recruited and put in a servicable Condition. If you desire to have them treated as Convalescents, I will have the best care taken of them I can. we have plenty of Mules here for the work on the farm, and for use to the ambulance and wagons, and I would respectfully recommend that the horses here (3 in all) be condemned, However, if it is the desire of the Authorities to make this a Convalescdent corral, I would prefer to have orders to that effect, before receiving any more worthless stock.
Very respectfully, your obedient Servant,
O. C. French
Agent Bu. R.F and A.L.

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