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Office Howard Asylum
Lauderdale, Miss. May 17, '68

Maj. S. C. Greene, 24" Inft.
A. A. A. Gen. Bu. R. F. an A. L.
Vicksburg, Miss.

From actual measurement of the grounds of the Howard Asylum and Hospital ordered to be fenced by the General Commanding it is ascertained that (5,000) five thousand feet of fence is required, (3,500) three thousand and five hundred feet of which is directed to be pasture and (1,500) one thousand and five hundred board.

For the 3,500 feet of Rail fence 17,500 feet of lumber is required, and for the 1500 feet of the board fence 4,500 feet is required, making in all 22000 feet, of which there is 7000 feet on hand suitable for that purpose, Fifteen thousand feet in addition will be required to complete the fencing. The lumber can be had at Lauderdale for $20. pr thousand feet.

There will also be required eight kegs of 8 pt