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Tea  Allowed 6 1/2 tbo  amt sent. 3 3/4 tbs  discrepancy  2 3/4 tbs

Coffee  Allowed for that /21 attendants  8 2/5 tbo  sent none-

Vinegar  Allowed 3 3/4 C  amt sent 2 C  discrepancy 1 3/4 C.

Candles  Allowed 3 3/4 tbo  Amt sent 2 tbo  discrepancy 1 3/4 tbo

Soap  Allowed 15 tbo  Amt sent 4 tbo  discrepancy 11 tbo

Salt  Allowed 15 tbo  Amt sent 4 tbo  discrepancy 11 tbo

Pepper  Allowed 15. ozs  Amt sent 4. oz  discrepancy 11. ozs

Sugar  Allowed 60 tbo  Sent none.

Please inform me wether the error has occured in making out the bill, or are the rations short:-  If the latter please place the amt of discrepancies to my credit to be sent with other rations for Children.  expected here the 1st of June. and for which I will forward returns in due time.

Respectfully Your Obdt. Svt.
O.C. French
Agt. Bu. R.F. & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-03 17:54:46 This should not have been submitted for Review blank. Let other transcribers work on it. ______ Don't know what "tbo" means, but that is what it looks like to me.