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Office Howard Asylum,
Lauderdale, Miss. June 8", 1868

Lieut. J. W. Sunderland, 24" Inft.
D. O. and A. A. Q. M.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to enclose herewith Vouchers (signed in blank) in favor of E. C. Eason & Co. and M. Lane & Co. The former being for $36. for one pump, the other for $5.40 for 27.000 feet of Lumber.

I would respectfully add that the gentlemen above mentioned are in need of their money, and by giving this matter your early atten, you will very much oblige them.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
O. C. French
Agent Bu R. F and A. L.