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Bureau Refugees F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Dist. Lauderdale
Lauderdale, Miss. Sept 11th, 1868

Lieut. J.W. Sunderland, 24" Inft
A.A.Q.M. and D.O.
Vicksburg, Miss.
I have the honor to request that I be furnished with the following articles, for use at the Howard Orphan Asylum, Viz:~
A sufficient quantity of heavy Duck to recover the ambulance in use of this place, also enameled cloth to retrim the same.  One Keg White Lead and two Gall's Lintseed Oil. Three hundred yds goods suitable for winter pants for the boys in the Asylum, and five Bales of Straw, for bedding.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
O C. French
Agent Bu. R.F and A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Do not mark complete if more than two [[?]]. Additionally, the [[?]] should be used *in place* of a word, not after it. Remember they are being re-read, so if you mistake a word, it will likely be caught by the next person. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-02 18:27:04