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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands,
Sub District of Lauderdale,
Lauderdale, Miss. October 13th 1868.

To the President of
Board of Police, Noxubee County, Miss.


An old and decrepid [[decrepit]] Freedwoman, named Dollie Jison, from your County, applied to me this morning for admittance into the Asylum at this place. It is impossible for me to admit her, as this institution is intended only for Orphan Children. I have therefore sent her back with directions to apply to you for support-

The authorities having decided that the Poor tax collected from the Freedmen, entitle the destitute of that class to look to the Board of Police for protection and care. Please report to this office what disposition is made of this case.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant,

O.C. French,

Agent, Bureau R.F. and A. L.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 17:32:15