Viewing page 268 of 286

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Bureau R.F. and A Lands.
Sub District of Lauderdale,
Lauderdale. Miss, October 24th 1868_

Maj John Tyler.
A.A.A General.
Bureau R.F. and  A.L.,
Vicksburg. Miss., 

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt [[of]] Special Order No. 164, dated Vicksburg. Miss.,  October 20th 1868, also transportation for myself from Lauderdale. Miss., to Vicksburg. Miss., and return_

I am, sir
Very  Respectfully
your Obt Servant.
John E. Gilchrist,
Clerk. B.R.F and A.L.,

Transcription Notes:
4.4.2024 - This press copy is very faded leaving some words completely illegible, so this is partially transcribed. This appears to be duplicate press copy of the next page in the project which is completely legible other than the words that are cut off along the left. For the complete transcription of this page, please refer to the next page of the project. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-04 12:05:16 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-04 18:04:29