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In my requisitions formerly. I have given the number of Children over (14) years of age and received full rations for them for Nov. & Dec. I deemed it unnecessary as I inferred that a full destitute ration would be issued to all_ I therefore failed to receive the extra half 1/2 ration to children over (14) years old_ thus the amount of Flour and Meat is actually less than before an increase of rations was allowed_ 

I have only to repeat what I have formerly communicated. viz: that the ration is insufficient and respectfully request that the inmates of this Asylum be allowed full destitute ration Meat, Bread, Salt, Vinegar and Pepper, and a half (1/2) ration of Sugar, Rice, Candles, Soap and Tea_

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt

Agt Bu. R.F and A Lands

Transcription Notes:
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