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The Holeyas are found in the Coorg houses all over the country. They perform menial work for the Coorgs, to whom they belong as members of their domestic institutions. There are two kinds of Holeyas--the Kembati, or Kodaga speaking, and the Badgu, or Canarese speaking Holeyas. They dress variously, but eat all descriptions of food, beef included. They worship Ryappa Devarin (who may be an incarnation of Siva), and Jamants or Kali once every month; and once every year they sacrifice to her a hog or a fowl. They are poor, ignorant people, some of good stature and robust constitution, but generally middle-sized men, of dark black complexion.
From among them, but principally from the liberated Holeyas of the late Rajah, the German missionaries have collected a Christian congregation of about 150 souls, who have formed a new village, Anandupur, in Anusthmand.
The Photographs are of Suba, and Ballajee, his daughter: the former five feet three inches, the latter four feet ten inches and a half in height.---Official Report.