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0115 _ Diadophis punatatus -July 17 '06
above Corwell [Littisa?]] Spring [[strikethrough]][[Tanly?]] Springs[[/strikethrough]]Freemason Run, Va. 1750'
Color above dark smoky gray (QR_
top of head olive, collar orange-bugg;
underside "deep chrome", fading to
cream color on throat. _ under stone.

0116 Plethodon glutinosus July 17. 06
same loc. as above. Mxed woods, chestnut,
pine etc. under stone.
Above bluish black with "pearl gray"
specks; underneath slate color, belly with
a strong purplish wash; throat, [[strikethrough]]mottled[[/strikethrough]]
light gray with [[indistred?]]still pale
spots; underside of hands and feet
as will as [[?]] [[?]] pale gray.

0117. Plethodon glutinous July 17 '06
same loc & color as above.

0118 Desmognethus ad July 18 '06
Bear draft [[strikethrough]][[River?]] toward[[/strikethrough]] [[Freemason Run?]], near divide
between that and Moffetts Run, near road between
Mt Solon & [[Stribley Spr.?]] ab 1700'
above "raw Sicuna" with a series of
indistinct large round spots of tawny
on either side of spinal line; a zigzag line
of blackish spots on middle of back
and a nearly staight and continous dorso-lateral line; sides pale clary color
dusky and whitish mottled; underside
very pale clay-colour, with the entrails showing
through purplish; lips spotted with 
silvery way; iris & brassy strongly mottled
with blackish.
0119 Dimognathus [[4larvae?] July 18 '06
Same locality; similar colored.