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0120. Sceloporus undulatus [[image - male symbol]] July 18. '06 
Near Mike O'Connell's place, Fres[[?]] River, near [[?]]bly [[Springs?]] ab. 1800'

0121.  Crawfish 3. July 18, '06
Same Run as 0118.

0122.  Bryn[[?]], [[?]] species July 18, '06
O'Connell's Place, Va.

0123. Desmognathus     ad. July 19. '06
Same local as 0118
Similarly colored, though somewhat darker

0124. Desmognathus July 19. 06.
do. do. 
Smaller than one of the larvae with well-developed gills, but apparently [[through?]] transformation and fully colored, but the pattern on the back more regular consisting of eight pairs of circular spots, rufous [[?]] with clay colored periferies.

0125. Desmongnathus larvae July 19. '06
do do.
Larger than 0124. Color above clay colored with a blackish dorso-lateral stripe on each side.

0126. Sceloporus undulatus [[image - female symbol]] July 21. '06
Mike's place.

0127 Bufo July 21. '06
Mike's Rim