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0128 Terrapene clausa jus. July 21. '06
Woods south of Mike's place.
Under mush room.

0129 Plethodon glutinosus y[[oung?]] July 22. '06
River above/east of Mike's place
Under stone

0130 Plethodon glutinosus ad. large July 22. '06
do do
Under log.

0131 Rana young July 22. '06
[[Same?]] run below Mike's place.
Greenish, between 'oil grass' and 'olive buff' with dusky spots.

0132 Rana clamitans ? [[youg]] July 22. '06
do, do.

0133 "Johnny dart[[eyes?]]" Lop[[reen?]] July 22. '06
do, do

0134 Desmognathus fusca ? ad. July 22. '06
Fre[[?]] Run below Mike's place.
Much darker than 0118. Upper side nearly uniform. Ferruginous, narrowly yellowish along the blackish dorso-lateral line; along [[?]] line a [[omics?]] of small irregular blackish spots edged with yellowish; yellow, black-edged line from eye to a[[ngle?]] of mouth; sides mottled blackish and yellowish.

0135 Desmognathus Fusca juv July 22. '06
do, do
Darker than the earlier ones.