Viewing page 90 of 156

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1105 (Guapac.) 
Ludwigia stenorraphe (Brenan)Hara subsp.  [[image - arrow]] macrosepala (Brenan) Raven det Raven (1962, 1980)

1106 (Legum.?)

1107 ?? (Scroph.)

1108 [[check mark]]

1109 [[check mark]]

1110 (Comp.)

1111 [[check mark]]

1112 (Malv.)
Pavonia urens Cav.

1113 (Malv.)
1114 (Convolv.)

1115 [[check mark]]

1116 [[check mark]]
Pilea ceratomera Wedd.

1117 (Scroph.)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[typed label affixed to top of page]]

Vicinity of Thika, British East Africa; altitude about 1350 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector September 6 and 7, 1909
[[/typed label]]
[[end of page]]