Viewing page 94 of 156

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1157 (Convolv.)
[[check mark]]
1158 (Capparidac.?)
Cleome monophylla L.
1159 (Cyperac.)
1160 Potamoqeton richardii Solms
1161 Cassia
1162 (Cucurb.)
1163 (Cyperac.)
1164 (Legum.)
1165 (Verbenac.)
Verbena officionalis L. det HN Moldenke 1962
1166 (Legum.) det Polhill 1969
Crotalaria natalitia Meissn. var. rutshurensis de Wild.
1167 [[check mark]] Onagraceae   Ludwigia Abyssinia A. Rich. det Raven [[image - arrow]] (1961), Ramamoorthy (1980)
1168 Persicaria
1169 Persicaria

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[[start page]]

[[typed label affixed to top of page]
Vicinity of Saba-Saba, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meteres
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector Setptember 8, 1909
[[/typed label]]