Viewing page 97 of 156

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1196 (Legum.)
1197 (Legum.)
Albizia gummifera (J.F. Gmel.) C. A. Sm. [[image - arrow]] ISOTYPE of A. mearnsii De Wild. [Holotype at BQ]
1198 (Resedac.)
1199 (Borag.)
1200 Meiformia
1201 ([[strikethrough]] Caesalpiniac. [[/strikethrough]]) Legum. (Papilionaceae)
[[written on top of whited out entry]] Pseudarthria hookeri [[/on top of whited out entry]] Wight & Arn.
1202 (Verbenac.)  ISOTYPE det HN Moldenke 1965
Lantana mearnsii Moldenke Phytologial! 421. 1940
1203 (Comp.)
1204 (Gramin.)
1205 [[check mark]] (Borag.)
Trichodesma zeylanicum (L.) R. Br.
1206 (Gramin.)
1207 [[check mark]] Thymelaeaceae
Gnidia apiculata (Oliv.) Gilg
1208 (Gramin.)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[typed label affixed to top of page]]

Vicinity of Fort Hall, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meters 
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector September 10-12, 1909
[[/typed label]]