Viewing page 48 of 156

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559 (Comp.)
560 (Crucif.)
561 (Acanth.)
562 (Amaranth.)
563 (Cucurb)
564 [[checkmark]] Euphorbiaceae
Erythrococca sp.
565 [[checkmark]]
566 (Comp.) Gnaphalium declinatum L.F.
567 (Comp.)
568 (Crucif.)
[[strikethrough]] Crassula alba Forsskc. [[/strikethrough]]
569 [[checkmark]] Oleaceae
Olea europaea L. subsp. africana (Mill.) P. S. Green
570 [[strikethrough]] (Rub.?) [[/strikethrough]] [[check mark]]
571 (Comp.)
[[end page]
[[start page]]
Southern N'guaso Nyiro River, "Sotik Country," British East Africa, altitude 1800-2100 meters
No.  Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector ^[[July 1-3,]] 1909