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3. women and children making their annual pilgrimage from the rush and tear of this Twentieth Century life to the cool retreat of the Adirondacks. At length we reached Cohasset - just in time for supper. There are several kinds of camps - or hotels, we would call them in the outside world - on Fourth Lake, varying from each other in size, character of people, and kind of pleasure indulged in. There are the large luxurious places where to enjoy yourself you must appear in flannels each morning with spotlessly clean canvass shoes, all equipped for tennis. In the afternoon you laze around, play Auction or possibly more tennis, ride about in motor-boats, dress for dinner, and dance in the evening - a fashionable country-club transported without thought of harmony to jar with the great wilderness that nature has created. Then there are other camps - camps crowded to about double their capacity with hordes of noisy people whose sole idea seems to be that they must be on the go every minute. A third class consists in smaller camps - holding from thirty to fifty people - where the motto is that everyone can do just as he pleases - above all, dress as he pleases. Excursions are made by small groups to nearby lakes and mountains. Occasionally a dance is held to which each boarded may invite friends from other camps on the lake. It is at these places that you find the nearest approach to typical Adirondack camping-life with the exception of course of private homes. Cohasset, the place to which we were headed, belongs to this latter class. Here I had made my headquarters for the past few days and here we were to amke our final arrangements preparatory