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[[Image - photograph overlooking mountains, glued in the upper left corner of the page, with caption]]
[[underline]] North from Mt. Marcy [[/underline>]]

below you; pity for those grinding out their existence in the slums of the great cities, ever toiling but never getting anywhere; pity for those whom the world rates as fortunate but who know not how to get the most out of life, who frantically seek pleasure in the world below, trying now this, now that, and who never experience the thrill and exultation of standing high up near the heavens and looking down upon the fighting, quarrelling, sneering, struggling mass of humanity which inhabits the globe below you. 
  In olden days the Greeks maintained that the gods lived on Mount Olympus, the highest point of land of which they had knowledge.  Savage man to-day cloaks the summits of the highest mountains with a sacrednes upon which he never dares to intrude.  Civilized man
[[Image - photograph of a mountain, with the slope of another mountain visible in the foreground, glued in the lower right corner of the page, with caption]] 
[[underline]] Mt. Colden from Marcy [[/underline]]