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34  St. Lucia 34.
IV-23-36  Today I packed a few odd specimens that have been lying around for months. Two of them require new station numbers. They are
[[underlined]] Station 222. [[/underlined]]
Home Hotel, St. Georges, Grenada. One cockroach.
[[underlined]] Station 223. [[/underlined]]
1/2 mile east of St. Georges, Grenada; elev. 600 ft. +-. A large bumble-bee, taken by Wilfred-house boy.
Spent the morning putting away specimens to clear a few large vials and in [[strikethrough]] pu [[/strikethrough]] drawing the diagram on next page to illustrate the two trips I made with Box along the ridge north of Morne Gimie.
In the afternoon I catalogued one Pan-Pacific Entomologist, one Entomological News, and one Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenné de Lyon. The March Ent. News did not have the record of my paper on Morphology of the Col. Fam. Staphylinidae.
I went for a short walk down behind the house, and found some pieces of grapefruit. This is [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] [[underlined]] station 220 [[/underlined]]. I found 5 Staphs (Tachyporinae - 1, Aleocharinae - 2 and 2) and 4 Nitidulids. The Tachyporinae is a shiny black [[underlined]] Coproporus [[/underlined]].
Washed some vials, and spent the evening reading. As usual we caught several dozen of the brown Scarabs at the lights. Have the second vial half full now.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[image - handdrawn map in upper right corner of page with caption; showing Roseau R., Gde. R. Anse La Raye, Milette R., Dame Milette, Canaries R., M. Houlemont, M. Reconnaissance, M. Gimie, P. Canaries, with numbers probably indicating elevation, and directions to Castries and Ansela Raye. Red, yellow and purple-pencil lines show trips' route. Location of camp is also indicated.]]
Diagram of area between Roseau Valley and Morne Gimie.

IV-24-36  I wasn't feeling very spry today, my digestion working poorly, so I accomplished little. Cut a lot of vail squares for packing specimens, and taped several of the large vials to protect them. Read quite a bit, and caught more of the [[Melonthinae?]] at the lights in the evening. Miss du Boulay left to go to Castries for the week end.
iV-25-36  Ruth and I went for a short walk down the hill behind the house. I collected again in the old grapefruit rinds. [[written in margin]] C [[/margin]] This is [[underlined]] station 220 [[/underlined]]. On the fruit found 74 Staphs (Paederinae - 1, [[underlined]] Coproporus [[/underlined]] - 40, red Aleocharinae - 33), 5 Hydrophilids, 3 Nitidulids, ants, & par. Hymenoptera. [[written in margin]] D [[/margin]] In very old cocoa pods found 21 Staphs (the usual broad Piestinae - 2, a smaller very slender Piestinae - 10, Paederinae - 8 - and 1), 4 Forficulids, and a few ants.
After lunch I did a little exploring on the motor. Followed the side road past the house down along the Ivrogne River to Union Vale.