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48 St. Lucia 48.
[[margin]] V-11-36 [[body]] Very rainy this morning. Wrote a letter to Tim Gressitt and some more on Paul's Copied Field Notes up to date. At 3 o'clock we were scheduled to go down to see the sulphur springs and baths, but the car didn't come till four. We went directly to Diamond Estate, where Ruth and Miss duBoulay sampled the hot baths. There is a stream nearby of very whitish sulphur water. We went back to Saufriere Estate for tea, and later down to the beach at Saufriere. Then back to St. Remy. 
[[margin]] V-12-36 [[body]] Started writing the report for the year. Wrote also the application for extension of the Scholarship. In the afternoon Ruth helped me to finish the Expense Account. 
After tea we went down the hill again to look for Staphs. The stumps yielded little. [[margin]] H [[body]] This is [[underline]] station 220 [[underline]]. Under chips of stumps and in rotten wood of logs (both breadfruit tree)found 20 Staphs (flat Pristinae-5, slender Pristinae-14, Aleocharinae-1), 1 other Coleoptera, 1 Histerid, [[margin]] J [[body]] and 3 termites. In very old cocoa pods found 22 Staphs (flat Pristinae-2, slender Pristinae-15), 2 Nitidulids, 3 other Coleoptera, and 4 Forficulids. [[margin]] K [[body]] In fungi (fleshy) found 2 Staphs (Aleocharinae) and 8 tiny but long red ants. [[end page]]
[[start page]] 49 Have recently added a good number of Scarabs to the large batch taken at lights when we first arrived here. There are three species. Have also a small vial of miscellaneous things from this station. Mostly flying: 7 Lampyrids of 3 species, 2 black weevils (probably [[underline]] Diaprepes [[/underline]] ), 2 Aidemeridae, 2 Coccinellids, 1 Chrysomelid, 1 Dytiscid, 1 Bostrychid. A large vial has: 1 large spider, several Scarabs, 1 green Cerambycid, and one or two other beetles. In fungus Ruth took one [[underline]] Aphodius [[/underline]] and 1 other small beetle, and we found one bed-bug on our clothes. [[margin]] V-13-36 [[body]] This is our last day here. I spent the morning on the letters to Wetmore, and then Ruth and I rode down the road about a mile and a half to see the Saufriere-sulphur springs, etc. It was quite a sight, — a sort of amphitheatre about 150 yards across, all broken up into spring holes that are bubbling out furiously a dark gray liquid. The whole area is covered with sulphurous deposits, and there is steam escaping continually. The ground is quite warm and not very safe. The sulphur is evidently too much for the forest plants, as the near-by slopes are covered only with a coarse grass. An American company has left the remains of its attempt to produce the sulphur at a profit. We took three photos