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[[underlined]] Ira Sayles. [[/underlined]] Field note Book. 1888. loc no.[[superscript]] s [[/superscript]] 1200 ^ [[insertion]] [[Tully?]] [[/insertion]] Onondaga Co. NY 1201 Lafayette - 1202 Otisco 1203 Preble 1204 Vesper 1205 Fabius 1206 Pichetts 1207 Tinkers Falls. 1208 Truxton 1209 Cuyler 1210 De Ruyter 1211 Nelson 1212 Georgetown. [[preprinted]] NOTE BOOK [[/preprinted]] A
Transcription Notes:
Fabins could be Fabius. Buxton looks more like Truxton.
It is Fabius and Truxton. Good catch!