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About fifty yards down the branch, is an exposure of the upper Hamilton Shales, full of fossils. I have nowhere yet seen the Genessic Shales above. Since writing the above; I find them abundant just west of this exposure. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] D/200 [[/underlined]] 4 About fifty yards down the branch, is an exposure of the upper Hamilton Shales, full of fossils. Color ash gray. I have nowhere yet seen the Genessic Shales above the Limestone. They are here 1200 A loose are manifistly from the upper part of the middle section 1200 A1 are from section No 1, at or within the lowest 18 inches. 1200 A2 are from the top of section No 2. 1200 A3 are from the middle of section [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] No 3.