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[[newspaper clipping]]

[[line across clipping]]
[[blank space]]
[[line across clipping]]
[[line across clipping]]
24 Hours in Advance of any other Line.
[[images: steam locomotive & carriage at left. Steamship at right]]
The only Line Carrying the Great Mail.
TRAVELLERS, be on your guard, or you will be deceived by misrepresentations made by the steamboat and bay lines, as to speed or safety. Passengers for the South, taking the Steamboat and Bay Line which leaves Philadelphia every morning, via Norfolk and Portsmouth, CANNOT CONNECT at Weldon N. C. with the cars for Wilmington, consequently are detained in Weldon from 1 o'clock, P. M. until 7 o'clock, A. M. next day, when the train leaves Weldon, daily for Wilmington N. C.
  Passengers bound to Charleston, by the Philadelphia Steamboat Line, are respectfully informed that there is as much despatch by remaining in Baltimore or Washington city all night, and taken this Line the following morning, as there would be by taking the Bay Line, via Norfolk to Weldon, where they would, of necessity, be detained in one of the most unhealthy places in the whole southern country, from 17 to 20 hours, until the arrival of the Mail Line.
  The only Line which gives certain connection is the Mail Line that leaves Philadelphia at 1 o'clock, A. M. by the Railroad. The Railroad from Weldon to Wilmington, (N. C.) being finished, and the whole line in complete order, the Postmaster General has ordered the following fast schedule to take place from this date:
[[two columns, separated by vertical line]]
[[column one]]
Philadelphia         1 A.M.
Baltimore,           9 A.M.
Washington,     11 1/2 A.M.
Fredericksburg,  6 1/2 P.M.
Richmond,           12 P.M.
Petersburg   [[cut off]
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
Baltimore,           8 A.M.
Washington,         11 A.M.
Fredericksburg,      6 P.M.
Richmond,       11 1/2 P.M.
Petersburg,      1 1/2 A.M.
[[cut off]       6 1/2 A.M.
[[column two]]
[[/two columns]]