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2 Red-bellies ∆             3 Chickadees ∆
3 Downys ∆                  5 Titmice ∆
                            2 Nuthatches
[[red √]][[double underline]]2[[/double underline]] Towhees ♀ ∆

12-12-82 Sun. 24° - 
Snow began sometime after 1:30 A.M. - about 5" by 9:00 A.M. - blowing snow continuing, swirling in 1/3 length of garage - ending about 10:00 A.M. - then cloudless - bright sun - some thawing.

Juncos                  Doves
White-throats (5)       Crows
House Finches           Jays
C. Waxwings             6 Red-wings

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Purple Finches           Starlings
Robin                    House Sps.
Cardinals                Goldfinches
Mockers                  Chickadees
Flickers                 Titmice
Red-bellies              Nuthatches
Downys                   1 Cowbird ♂(15)
Towhees (♂ ∆)

12-13-82 Mon. 14° -
Cloudless & calm early;

Juncos                  Doves
White-throats           Crows
House Finches           Jays

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