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Pil. Woodpecker         Nuthatches
Flickers                [[circled red +]] Red-shoulder

12-16-82 Thurs. 58° -
Drizzle continued thru night - hard showers about 6:00-7:00 A.M., ending and partial clearing by 9:00 A.M. -

[[red]] Total Rain = 1.0" [[/Red]]

By 11:00 A.M. - wind WNW, 10-25 mph gusty

Juncos                Doves
White-throats         Crows
House Finches         Jays
C. Waxwings           Cowbird
Towhee                Starlings 
Cardinals             House Sps.
Mockers               Goldfinches

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Flickers                          Chickadees
Red-bellies                       Titmice
Downys                            Nuthatches
[[red √]] Yellow-r. W.      3 TVs

12-17-82 Fri. 40°-
Overcast; bit of sun by 11:00 A.M. - clear in aft. - wind N, 10-25 mph. all day

3-5 Juncos            Doves
20± White-throats     Crows
30± House Finches     12-15 Jays
15-20 C. Waxwings     Starlings
20± Cardinals         House Sps.
4 Mockers             Goldfinches
2-3 Flickers          Chickadees
2 Red-bellies         Titmice

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