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2-3 Flickers
2 Red-bellies
3 Downys

12-20-82 Mon. 18° - 
overcast; mostly cloudy much 
of day; wind N, 5-15 mph in 

Juncos            Doves
White-throats     Crows
House Finches     Jays
C. Waxwings       Starlings
Cardinals         House Sps.
Mockers           8 Goldfinches
Flickers          Chickadees
Red-bellies       Titmice
Downys            Nuthatches
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Away 8:30 A.M. - 11:05 A.M. 
- Fairfax Hosp. and groc. shopping

12-21-82 Tues. 34° - 
  Sue and Rachel are 
due [[strikeout]] today!! [[image - smiley face]]

Partly cloudy all day; 
wind N, 5-15 mph.

They are here - 6:15 P.M.!! [[written in red ink]]

Purple Finches          Doves
Juncos                  Crows
White-throats           Jays
House Finches           Red wings
C. Waxwings             Starlings
Cardinals               House Sps.
Mockers                 Goldfinches
Flickers                Chickadees
Red-bellies             Titmice
Downys                  Nuthatches
4-5 Herring Gulls       Towhee
Winter Solstice - [[strikeout]] 11:39 PM [[written in red ink]]