Viewing page 38 of 64

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1-23-83 [[in blue]]Sue[[/blue]]high = 34° 
about .7 inches of rain til 
50-60 cedar waxwings 
plus dailies
       [[in blue]]cl[[/blue]]
9 PM Gray Fox at 3  Yews
1-24-83 - [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] 49° - Dulles Sue
[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] 1-25-83 - 33° - Nurse
1-26-83   36° - Nurse
[[strikethough in red]]2-3-83 124/64  99.2 - 84 (Nurse[[/strikethough in red]]


[[symbol: 3 arrows pointing up to Fini]]

Jim said to add [[in blue]]Fini[[/in blue]]
[[illegible word - could be ahead or dread]] 2-28-83 Tues
 8:25 AM.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
2-14-83 Snow piled high 
on boxwood etc & sides 
of driveway

Towhee           10 Cardinals
20 White thr.    1 Starling (on fab)
Titmice          Goldfinches
Juncos           House finches
Mockers          Downy

[[All in blue ink]]
2-26 Sat    Cold

Usual dailys

My dearly beloved - 
I'll keep trying to 
get a good list.  
I am feeding our birds well.
6-4-83  I miss you 
[[end page]]