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inca, Nov. 10, 1955, III                 [[page number: 30]]

*communal.   [[horizontal penciled oval, check mark]] - [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] - [[horizontal penciled oval, check mark]] - [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] - Agg. [[check mark]] V  F+Cht.[[check mark]] F+Cht.[[check mark]] F+Cht.[[check mark]] F+[[check mark]]Cht. F +[[check mark]] Cht. Agg[[check mark]] V - F+[[check mark]]Cht. [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] [[vertical penciled oval check mark]] V.[[check mark]] [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] - F+[[check mark]]Cht. [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] - F+[[check mark]]Cht. F+Cht.[[check mark]] F+Cht.[[check mark]] - Aux.[[check mark]] V. [[vertical penciled oval, check mark]]-[[horizontal penciled oval, check mark]]-[[vertical penciled oval, check mark]] Gost[[double check mark]]-St[[double check mark]]-LCN [[check mark]]-LCN [[check mark]] Gost[[double check mark]]-V[[check mark]]-Gost[[double check mark]]

G is never wide, apparently. (Tongue & much of inside of mouth are yellow; but this does not appear to be emphasized in G

[[image in margin: circled 6 M.C., red vertical strike mark above 6]]
M.C. [[male symbol]] Agg.[[check mark]] V+HF[[check mark]] - Gost[[check mark]] - V[[check mark]] - preening[[check mark]]. [[female symbol]] Agg.[[check mark]] V - Gost[[check mark]] - V[[check mark]] - Gost[[check mark]] - V[[check mark]] - preening[[check mark]]

[[image in margin: circled 6 M.C., red vertical strike mark above 6]] M.C. [[male symbol]] Agg[[check mark]]V&HF[[check mark]] ^[[female symbol]] Agg.[[check mark]] V. + what looks like ^[[(O+G)]]LCN, but can't hear sound [[female symbol]] invisible most of time.
  This HF is less a vigorous, sharp, flag, than a slightly slower "showing the back or the side of the head." In any case, it does appear to "remove" the bill.
  When relaxed, head is perfectly rounded [[sketch of bird profile]]  front part of mustache often almost straight. Comme ca [[squiggly line under 'c' of 'ca']]

  Have now seen aerial St. with glide; with unusually rapid, almost vibrating, wing-beats of small amplitude; and with normal wing-beats(during Select Panic).
  Aux. V. in this species is essentially same as pre-flying posture
  Gost is perhaps the same thing as [[horizontal penciled oval]]. I think that there is tendency for call to cease during [[horizontal penciled oval]]; but this probably varies.

Transcription Notes:
Cross-hatching and lines in margin may be meaningful.