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[[underlined]]inca[[/underlined]], Nov. 10, 1955, VIII [[encircled page number: 35]]

One bird lands on rocks in distance. Fish in mouth, dangling. Stands in semi- H, long time.

Then another bird lands, very near, does [[vertical oval]] _ [[horizontal oval]] _ [[vertical oval]] _ Gost - V & HF - Gost - V - pr - V - pr - V relax. [[image -rough sketch- bird with fish in beak]]

The bird with fish makes some response to [[vertical oval]]-[[horizontal oval]] performance, as if doing very low intensity [[vertical oval]] - [[horizontal oval]] itself. Then just sits, facing the other bird. (Too far away to hear sounds. Bird with fish may have been calling continuously for all I know.) Other bird flies away. Bird with fish just sits. Eventually flies away too, in silent unritualized flight.

Silent G in flight. Very pronounced. By bird that had been doing it on ground.

Just heard a very loud "honking" version of Cht. Don't know in what connection. Might just possibly have been [[female symbol]] Piquero.

The usual LCN does sound like creaking of rusty hinge. Considerable variation. E.g. "attack" LCN [[short diagonal line under which is written "a"]] [[up arrow indicating insert note: semi "tik"]] [[horizontal line under which is written "aaah"]].

Also higher-pitched, "purer", more plaintive version.

[[vertical oval]] [[horizontal oval]] Cht performance after followed by semi- V. Have once seen Cht from definite agg. V. This must be relatively rare, however.

V's definitely appear to be "low-intensity". So, in fact, do all the silent patterns.

LCN on ground accompanied by definite, rapid, halfway raising of wings. Repeated.  During [[underline]] intra-specific[[/underlined] dispute. Bird not frightened by me.

[[several vertical lines in rectangular patterns and cross hatched marks, down left margin of page - different numbers and patterns next to each paragraph]]