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[[underline]]inca[[/underline]], Nov. 11, 1955, II.
[[encircled page number: 42]]

[[side note: circle w/vertical red line above - M.C.]] 

M.C. [[male symbol]] Agg. V - [[check]] - gost [[check]] - Agg. V - [[check]] - gost [[check]] - V [[check]] - gost [[check]]. [[female symbol]] Agg. V [[check]] - gost [[check]] - Agg. V [[check]] - gost [[check]] - V [[check]] - gost

[[side note: circle w/vertical red line above - M.C.]]

M.C. [[male symbol]] Agg V [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - gost [[check]] - St.[[check]] - gost [[check]].

[[female symbol]] St. [[check]] - gost [[check]] - St. [[check]] - gost [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - gost [[check]] - St. [[check]] - gost [[check]]

Bird just flew by. In extreme St. At first a trace of Moth flight, wing-beats very rapid, but of [[underline]]remarkably small[[/underline]] amplitude (no more than 2" at most). Then glides while continuing in extreme St. This St. definitely silent. Bird soon disappears from view around a rock.

[[side note: * redir. on mate.[[/side note]]

Gost [[check]] - Gost [[check]] Gost [[check]] - Gost [[check]] [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] [[vertical oval]] [[check]] [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] [[vertical oval]] [[check]] [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] [[vertical oval]] [[check]] [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] [[vertical oval]] [[check]] [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - St [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - St. [[check]] Gost [[check]] - St [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - St [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - St [[check]] - Gost [[check]]. [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - [[horizontal oval]] [[check]] - [[vertical oval]] [[check]] - St [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - St. [[check]]

[[side note: circle w/vertical red line above - M.C.]]

MC [[male symbol]] St [[check]] - Agg. V. [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - V. [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - V[[check]]. [[female symbol]] V [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - V [[check]] - Gost [[check]] - V[[check]]. 8:00

Wing feathers also ruffled during H+R+HB. Quite conspicuous at times.

[[Left margin image shaded triangle]] 
Toward flying birds. F&Cht. [[check]]. Cht [[check]] (alone, no posture) F+Cht. [[check]]

[[image: two gulls in profile both with fish in bills]]

Extreme FO. Notice that neck is sometimes greatly swollen, which means that fish must be partly swallowed. Occas. regurge movements.

Sometimes head & little lower momentarily. Then perhaps reminiscent of M posture or L posture of some gulls.

Transcription Notes:
Note that at times what is being transcribed as St. actually appears to be Lt. but would be hard to differentiate unless know what he is referring to. ----------- Vertical lines in rectangular form and crosshatched areas in left margins at three different portions of page.