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[[circled]] 43 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] inca [[/underline]], Nov. 11, 1955, III. 

[[margin]] [[image - pencil doodles of vertical shapes followed by crosshatching]] [[/margin]]

Interesting incident. Apparent [[male symbol]] (large), with fish in bill, approaches apparent [[female symbol]] (small). [[female symbol]] reacts by F & Cht. - Agg. V. - F & Cht - Agg. V. [[male symbol]] just stands in posture varying from semi - H to complete F.  When in most extreme F, a trace of R.  Finally flies away a few feet.  [[female symbol]] then relaxes, doesn't follow him.  [[male symbol]] stands in F for a while, finally swallows fish. OCB OCB OCB Stands. Then involved in some attack with another bird; can't follow it.  Both fly off.  [[female symbol]] remains, relaxed & preening. 
This encounter [[underline]] looked [[/underline]] much like an amorous [[male symbol]] making advances to an already mated [[female symbol]]

[[left margin]] * terr. defense [[/left margin]]

F & √ Cht. Agg. √ V. St. √ [[horizontal oval]] √ -[[vertical oval]] √ - [[horizontal oval]]√ - [[vertical oval]]√ - [[horizontal oval]] √ - [[vertical oval]]√ -Agg. V[[check]]-gost [[check]] Agg.[[check]] V-gost[[check]] - [[underlined]] Agg.[[check]] V before attack [[/underlined]]. Aux [[check]] V & G Agg. [[check]] V.

Apparent nest-site selection "ceremony"!!   [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] land.  M.C quite mutual Agg. V & HF - Agg. V- [[horizontal oval]]-[[vertical oval]]- gost- Agg. V.
[[female symbol]] walks away in Agg. V.  [[male symbol]] follows in Agg. V.  [[female symbol]] goes from potential nest-site to potential nest-site, i.e. crevices and hollows under rocks.  Each place, she looks down repeatedly, (like a series of gosts) [[male symbol]] joins her, does same thing.  Birds orientated comme ca [[cedille under c in ca]] [[image-two arrows pointing upward; left arrow pointing slightly to right; left arrow pointed slightly to left]].  Then [[female symbol]] scrapes briefly (without turning). Then [[female symbol]] walks to another site, in agg. V.,  [[male symbol]] follows in agg. V.  Then whole performance repeated.  Saw 5 sites visited in row, before birds disappeared around boulder 8:40

[[left margin]] *[[check]] [[check]] terr. defense  [[/left margin]]

[[underlined]] Gost [[check mark]] before retreat.  [[/underline]]
 LCN [[check mark]] -V [[checkmark]]- [[underlined]] Aux. [[check mark] V before retreat. [[/underlined]] V.[[check mark]] [[underlined]] St after attack. [[/underlined]] O+G [[check mark]] [[underlined]] O+G [[check mark]] during retreat- St after retreat [[/underlined]] O+G [[check mark]] V+G [[check mark]] St. [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Aux [[check mark]]V before retreat  Aux [[check mark]]V before retreat [[/underlined]] St. [[check mark]].

[left margin]] * redir. on mate [[/ left margin]]

St [[check]] - gost [[check]] St [[check]] - gost [[check]] St [[check]] [[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]]-St [[check]] [[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]]-St [[check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]][[horizontal oval with check]]-[[vertical oval with check]]-St[[check]]-gost[check]]-St[check]]-

There is always a great burst of LCN's by flock returning from a Silent Panic  8:50

Transcription Notes:
Needs male and female symbols inserted