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[[top of page]] [[underlined]]mca[[/underlined]], Nov 11, 1955, VI. 
[[cross-hatchings all down left margin of page]]
[[encircled page number]]46[[/encircled page number]]
[[page start]]
cht posture, then goes into definite aerial St, with [[trace]] of [[Moth?]] flight.

The Cht & F performance, as shown briefly toward flying birds, may be even more grating than other cht's At least it appears to be so in the case of one bird near the blind, 10:30

The aggressiveness of this species is somewhat peculiar When it does fight, it fights hard & long; but it is my definite [[impression?]] that attacks & fights are relatively rare, (as compared with such species as the B&G, Franklin's, & the Ring-bill)

Have noticed one thing about the LCN's in this communal area. They seem to be be very efficient as threat Almost always bring about retreat by opponent.

LCN can vary downward to almost complete inaudibility. This helps to explain some of the G performances.

[[bottom of left margin]] [[thick circle]]MC.

MC in communal area. [[male symbol]] does Agg[[check mark]] V+H[[check mark]]F - [[ga[[check mark]]it?]] - Agg[[check mark]] V [[&?]] G.  Agg[[check mark]]-V-F&[[check mark]]cht-F[[check mark]]-aggV.  [[symbol female gender]] does V[[check mark]]-F-F--V[[check mark]].

[[image extends to bottom of page: frontal view of head, neck, & body with closed wings of bird with pendant feathers on both sides of head]]