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[[circled]] 54 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] inca [[/underline]], Nov. 12, 1955, III. 
[[margin]] [[hashed column]] [[/margin]]

[[image - pencil sketch of gull with outstretched wings, raised head]] Very long, lean, look to birds flying in aerial ft. with Moth flight.

[[margin]] [[three vertical lines with hashed column]] [[/margin]]
Moth flight seems to be common in flights after fights on ground. 8:40.

[[margin]] [[three vertical lines with hashed column]] [[/margin]]
Bird standing in semi-V, semi-Gost posture, utters peculiar muffled sounds Like muffled, long-drawn syllables of Cht What are they?

[[margin]] M.C. [[image- circular drawing with 6 in center and red vertical line]] [[/margin]]
[[male symbol]] √St - √gost - √st [[female symbol]] √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √St!!

[[margin]] * redir. mate. [[/margin]]
√St √AggV - √gost - √st - √gost - √st - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] √F&Cht. √F&Cht √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √St - √[[image - vertical oval]] √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]]. √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √F&Cht - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √F&Cht - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]]. √Gost-√St-√Gost-√St

[[margin]] [[one vertical line with hashed column]] [[/margin]] Front bird of two flying, in Moth flight & St, attacked by second.

[[margin]] [[three vertical lines with hashed column]] [[/margin]] One St in Moth Flight & G!

[[margin]] [[three vertical lines with hashed column]] [[/margin]] St & HF.

[[margin]] [[three vertical lines with hashed column]] [[/margin]] When there is a slight slowing down of Cht syllables, each syllable sounds almost like "Barrrrup".
There is certainly much less "rise & fall" to this Cht than to the Glik of Franklin's Gull.  Loudness waxes & wanes, primarily, in correlation with intensity of performance, (i.e, in most cases, with the nearness of the opponent)  Call certainly continues full blast during high intensity [[image - horizontal oval]]. Sounds perhaps a little deep-