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[[underline]] inca [[/underline]], Nov. 13, 1955, VIII

[[circle] 70 [[/circle]]

[[left margin]] * terr. defense [[/left margin]]  [[underline]] gost after attack [[/underline]] LCN LCN LCN LCN LCN LCN - gost LCN - LCN. LCN - O&G LCN - O&G [[underline]] Agg-V before attack - Ft after attack [[/underline]] - gost. [[underline]] O&G before attack - O&G after attack [[/underline]] O&G. [[underline]] gost after escape [[/underline]] LCN - LCN - LCN - LCN - O&G. V&G Ft. aux.V. O&G - gost. [[underline]] gost after attack [[/underline]] gost - gost - gost - gost - gost. [[underline]] Agg V. after attack [[/underline]] Ft. Ft - gost Ft - gost.

One LCN call by flying bird, flying away after being attacked.

The only thing I have seen even remotely approaching a long-sustained territorial dispute are long bouts in which 2 pairs stand side by side, performing mutual bouts of redirected Cht [[image - vertical oval]] and [[image - horizontal oval]].

One copulation in which [[image - male symbol]] pecked down at [[image - female symbol]]'s head

[[left margin]] * terr defense [[/left margin]]  [[underline]] Agg V before attack. gost after escape [[/underline]] gost - gost - gost - gost - gost - gost. aux.V. aux.V. O&G. [[underline]] Ft&G after attack Ft&G after attack [[/underline]] - gost. V. [[underline]] Aux V before escape. Gost after attack [[/underline]] V&G [[underline]] gost&G after attack [[/underline]] Ft - Ft - Ft - Ft - Ft. LCN [[underline]] Ft after escape [[/underline]] Ft - gost - gt. gost [[underline]] V&G after attack [[/underline]] O&G. O&G. Ft. Ft. gost - gost. [[image - vertical oval]] - [[image - horizontal oval]] - [[image - vertical oval]] - [[image - horizontal oval]] - [[image - vertical oval]] gost

After being attacked in air, one bird circles, low, in posture comme ca  [[image - drawing of bird's neck and head with beak open and pointing downward]] with LCN's. Then lands (It is possible that this peculiar posture is just a landing posture.

[[left margin]] * terr. defense [[/left margin]] [[underline]] Ft after escape [[/underline]]. Ft - gost - Ft - gost - Ft - gost. Ft[[image - vertical oval]] -  [[image - horizontal oval]] - [[image - vertical oval]] - gost. Ft - gost [[image - vertical oval]] - gost - Ft. Ft&G - gost. Ft&G. Ft. gost

Once HB with bill opening & closing and [[underline]] absolutely no sound [[/underline]] audible

Leaving 12:10 p.m.

[[left margin]] Stop 3:00 [[/left margin]] Back at 2:35. Have to get in blind myself

[[left margin]] * terr. defense [[/left margin]]
gost. gost. gost. Ft - aux.V. [[underline]] O&G after attack [[/underline]] Ft - gost - Ft.

Transcription Notes:
3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern in left margin next to all paragraphs except those for which other marginalia are noted above