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[[83 in circle]]

[[underline]] [[inca]] [[/underline]], Nov. 14, 1955, VIII

[[margin]] [[image - 3 vertical bars and 1 crosshatched bar]] [[/margin]] came back from a circular flight. The behavior of most "males" observed appeared to like that of "[[male symbol]]"s observed previously.

[[margin]] [[image - 3 vertical bars and 1 crosshatched bar]] [[/margin]] Peculiar incident. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] presumably early stage of pairing. Close together. Walk around a little Alternate periods of V parading and Cht. V of [[male symbol]] fairly aggressive. V of [[female symbol]] usually aux. [[underline]] The Cht was [[/underline]] almost purely F, much of the time, trace of [[image - vertical dark oval]] occasionally The interesting thing about this pair was that the [[underline]] [[male symbol]] suddenly attacked [[female symbol]] [[/underline]] three times, at intervals of several minutes. Each time [[male symbol]] attack from Agg.V (very brief, just arrived momentarily after [[image - vertical dark oval]]). [[female symbol]] immediately jumps back a few inches, does either St-AggV&HF-AggV or AggV&HF-Aux.V. [[underline]] Interesting that HF is almost al in Agg. V [[/underline]]) This goes on a long while. Finally [[female symbol]] down in H, develops R, begins HB––[[underline]] and the [[male symbol]] attacks her again [[/underline]] ! 2:05.

[[margin]] [[image - 3 vertical bars and 1 crosshatched bar]] [[/margin]] The above soliciting [[female symbol]] was approached by a "[[male symbol]]" who flew in with fish. [[male symbol]] stood in usual FO. Got no response from [[female symbol]] who whas preoccupied with her own [[male symbol]] ([[underline]] It is remarkable how these fish-carrying "[[male symbol]]"s are attracted by soliciting [[female symbol]]'s [[/underline]]) [[male symbol]] then goes to a nearby hole, still carrying fish, enters it, Cht in it. Approached by "searcher" or "admirer" in usual way, and the [[male symbol]] attacks the "admirer" in usual way Both fly off. 

[[margin]] [[large asterisk]] terr. defense [[/margin]]

√V+G. [[underline]] √gost after attack [[/underline]] [[underline]] √V between attacks [[/underline]] - [[underline]] √gost after attack √St after attack [[/underline]] - √V+G √V+G -√√gost √O+G - √O+G - √V+G - √auxV -√V+√G-√V [[underline]] HF √after attack [[/underline]]. √F+cht - √[[image - horizontal dark oval]]-√[[image - horizontal dark oval]] [[underline]] √St after attack. √AggV +√G after attack. [[/underline]] √LCN-√LCN-√O+G-√LCN-√O+G. √LCN-√LCN-√O+G. [[underline]] √St after attack [[/underline]].

[[margin]] [[image - 1 crosshatched bar]] [[/margin]]
[[image-gull, tail raised. Three !'s, each with an arrow pointing at the tail feathers.]]

Something I haven't emphasized enough in my drawings of H&R is the height to which the rear end of the body is usually raised. 

Transcription Notes:
As with previous pages, large bars of crosshatching in the margins.