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[[underline]] inca [[/underline]], Nov 15, 1955, III 

[[image- 90 in circle]]

[[underline]] √√√St after attack[[/underline]]- √√Gost. √LCN - √LCN - √LCN - √√Gost [[underline]] √St + G between attacks[[/underline]] - [[underline]]√St after attack [[/underline]]. √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √V+G - √√Gost - √V+G - √√Gost - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] √St-√Gost. √√Gost - √V - √Aux. V. √√Gost. √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √√Gost. [[underline]] √O+G before attack[[/underline]] - [[underline]]O+G after attack [[/underline]].√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-[[image - horizontal oval]] - √St - √√Gost. [[underline]] O+G before attack[[/underline]] - [[underline]]√St after attack [[/underline]]√[[image - horizontal oval]] √√St. √St- √√√Gost - √√Gost . √√St. √[[image - horizontal oval]] [[underline]] after being attacked [[/underline]] √[[image - vertical oval]]. √√Gost. √St - √√√Gost - √V+G - √St - √√F - √√Gost - √V+G - √V+G - √√St - √V+G. [[underline]] √Gost after attack [[/underline]] - √O+G - √LCN - √O+G. √[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]. √√Gost. √LCN. [[underline]] √St+G after attack [[/underline]]

[[margin - three vertical lines and one crosshatched column]] One very serious problem has just occurred to me!!! One sees a great many Gosts and Sts that appear to be [[underline]] extremely low intensity. [[/underline]] Just as low as you can get. Then what about the V complex??? I think that relatively few of the V's look as low intensity as many St's and Gost's. Is this because I can't recognize the lowest intensity forms of V??? Equally important, is it possible that many, or even all of the V's contain a sexual element???

All sorts of problems. St, for instance, is often obviously related to V's. Not infrequently incorporated into V-parading. Yet it is "aux V" that seems to be the strongest "pre-escape" pattern. Similarly Gost is obviously related to Agg V., but it is the Agg V that is the strongest "pre-attack" pattern.

Granted that some of my Gosts are probably autochthonous preening, etc., reactions, most of them are certainly hostile 10:17

[[margin - three vertical lines and one crosshatched column]] St is usually orientated chin [[underline]] toward [[/underline]] the bird for which it is intended. This is particularly true if it is intended for the mate.

Still dreadfully dull 10:45

[[margin - √√ * commun. area]]
[[underline]] √V before attack [[/underline]]- [[underline]]√V after attack[[/underline]] - [[underline]]√V+G before attack [[/underline]] √St. √√√St. √[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]]-√[[image - horizontal oval]] - √√Gost - √[[image - vertical oval]] -√[[image - horizontal oval]]-√[[image - vertical oval]] F+√Cht V+√G - √O+G - √LCN - √LCN - √LCN - √V+G √O+G - √LCN - √LCN - √O+G [[underline]] √St between attacks[[/underline]]- [[underline]]√St after attack [[/underline]] F+√Cht - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √V √V+G - √Gost √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √[[image - vertical oval]] - √[[image - horizontal oval]] - √V √[[image - vertical oval]]. [[underline]] √O+G before attack - Gost after attack [[/underline]] - √St √√Gost [[underline]] √[[image - horizontal oval]] after attack [[/underline]] √V + √HF √[[image - vertical oval]] - √Gost √[[image - horizontal oval]] √√Gost - √√Gost √Aux. V. √St. √√Gost - √V. √St. √√St. √√Gost. √St √St-√√Gost. √V - HF - √V. √St - √√√Gost - √V √Aux. V √Agg V - √√Gost - √√Gost - √Gost - √√Gost - √√Gost

[[margin - darkened circle]] √LCN - √O+G - √LCN - √O+G √O+G - √LCN - √O+G - √LCN - √O+G - [[underline]] √LCN before attack [[/underline]] - [[underline]] √St after attack [[/underline]]