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[[circle]] 102 [[/circle]]

[[underline]] belcheri [[/underline]]

Monday, November 14, 1955 Chincha Peru [[Sur?]]

Notes on [[underline]] Larus belcheri [[/underline]].

There have been a number of these birds around from time to time during the last few days, and I have been able to watch them occasionally in the intervals between watching Inca Terns.

[[margin]] [[image - one vertical line and one crosshatched line]] [[/margin]] Pairs and single birds seem to have "stations" favorite rocks where the birds can be seen most of the time. These "stations" are very far apart - nothing like a colony - but there is occasional visiting back and forth. I haven't been able to follow this at all; but some of it looks like "pairing", like the Herring Gulls in Virginia.

[[margin]] [[image - three spirals within circles]] [[/margin]]

Series of MC's [[circle]] 1 [[/circle]] [[image - male symbol]] on ground, does HD-O as [[image - female symbol]] approaches, then √V - √HF - √V - √HF - √V - √HF - √V - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V; [[image - female symbol]] does √V+√HF - √V - √HF - √V - √HF - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V. [[circle]] 2. [[/circle]] [[image - female symbol]] on ground, does HD - O before [[image - male symbol]] lands, then √V + √HF; [[image - male symbol]] does √V + √HF - √HD - √O - √V + √HF - √V - √Gost - √V - √Gost - √V. [[circle]] 3. [[circle]] [[image - male symbol]] joins [[image - female symbol]] mutual √V+√HF

[[margin]] [[image - three vertical lines and one crosshatched line]] [[/margin]] Some of these Gosts are quite long-necked [[image - gull standing with head pointed to ground]]

[[margin]] [[image - three vertical lines and one crosshatched line]] Some notes on Long Call Note + Long Call. Voice is a particularly piercing high-pitched scream. This "piercingness" is particularly noticeable in the LCN The LC is somewhat more melodious. Voice is clear like Herring Gull - not hoarse like the Ring-bill