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[[underline]] serranus [[/underline]], Nov 20, 1955 II  111[[encircled]]

Quite a number of more complete Long Call performances
Eventually a typical series of LCN notes "Kreee-hreee-hreee-hreee....," getting successively lower in pitch, accompanied by O --> F. The O was most peculiar indeed. Quite high, long neck, at beginning. Neck rather thick. Trace of "inverted arch" in neck. Carpi way out, lowered. [[underline]] Rear end of body & Tail definitely raised. [[/underline]] (Could this be a "Trace" or "intention movement of Choking) Gradually lowering until F reached. All the F's were very brief, very short-necked; but otherwise, I think, much like F's of the B.b.G. Whole L.C. performance shown toward both birds & men.
Once saw [[underline]] F & R [[/underline]] --> O --> F !
[[underline]] Also a lot of Choking [[/underline]] Directed at a newspaper I extended toward it. Choking - attack on newspaper - Choking - attack - Choking - attack - Choking, etc. etc. Obviously high intensity. The Ch. posture itself was very much like that of Bb.G. Tail equally high. No setting down. Call itself sometimes introduced by brief "clucking" noises. The real call was a soft "Kree-hree-hree....."
Choking sometimes alternated with PAG's.
General notes on the voice of this species. Quite unlike Bonaparte's or Grey-headed; and not much like that of any other of the [[underline]] ridibundus [[/underline]] group I know. [[underline]] "Kreee"s all very high- pitched, very shrill, slightly reedy. [[/underline]] I couldn't detect any difference between the notes of LCN, (FB), L.C. or Ch., except in length & volume, (and even their latter differences were comparatively slight). Thus this species is like the other [[underline]] ridibundus [[/underline]] species in only two respects, as far as voice is concerned: its "Kreee"s can be considered screeches of a sort, and its whole voice is relatively inflexible and monotonous.
Before I forget. - The bill was wide open throughout O, [[underline]] and also F [[/underline]]. Opened & closed during Ch., but never opened more than very slightly. 
A lot of interesting R. Did R when moving off perch to feed.