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[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 25, 1955, VI.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] stops some distance away, stands in M, bill to ground, (head is perhaps slightly bent on neck - pointing more strongly downward than neck - thus not "pure" M posture), utters "uh huh huh whoooah ooah uh huh huh..." sort of business. [[underline]] This appeared to be exactly the same as the mixtures of M & Ch notes uttered by such species as Franklin's Gull during low-intensity choking [[/underline]].  I E. the M note in this species too, appears to be a "low intensity form of Ch." (This Ch sound was very similar or even identical with the Cop Call I just heard)

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] I wouldn't be at all surprised if the "running in Gost" pattern occurring during pairing were a form of running in M.  Gost is often from a semi-M posture, and the two patterns seem to intergrade completely.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] The common approach to partner on foot is actually M-V+HF-(V)-preen.  The preening looks completely relaxed; but it often follows immediately after the V+HF, and is often followed immediately by other displays (e.g. T) so it is probably not "coincidental" or "purely autochthonous".

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] This species, with its long wings, looks almost as tern-like as [[underline]] inca [[/underline]] in flight.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Have heard one L.C. on ground with an extra syllable in the first part _ _ _ _ _ _______.  This is the only case I have heard, however; and the rarity of such variations cannot be too much stressed.

[[margin]] * comm. area [[/margin]]  √O. √O-√L-√L & √LCN. ("L" stands for L posture part of L.C. performance. Often silent at end - and thus cannot be told from silent M. [[underline]] Must be stressed that 
[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] extreme L and M posture are literally identical). √V before attack - √V & √HF after attack. [[/underline]] √V - √Agg-V - [[underline]] - √M&M note before attack √V after attack [[/underline]] √M - √O. [[underline]] √Agg V after attack - √M before attack [[/underline]] - √V. √V. √V. √V. √V. [[underline]] √V before attack - √V after attack [[/underline]].

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Another copulation as before; again [[male symbol]] only gave Cop. Call when [[female symbol]] would. But this time [[underline]] some of his Cop. Call notes were given with bill absolutely closed [[/underline]].

[[margin]] [[image--triangle with red dash at top]] [[/margin]] [[male symbol]] M & √M note - √V & √HF - √V [[female symbol]] √V & √HF - √V

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Bird flying by during panic caused by two boys walking through group, gave M note in flight, in usual neck stretched slightly forward posture