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[[underline]] modestus [[/underline]], Nov. 25, 1955, VIII.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] It is becoming fairly obvious that the L.C. performance is relatively much commoner during M.C.'s between mates than during the low intensity disputes I have been counting

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Peculiar orientation of L.C. [[male symbol]]  & [[female symbol]], apparently mated. Both O. But, at the end of O, the female turned away from the male, to look over her shoulder toward him 

[[image - two diagrams showing male and female looking directions separated by a horizontal dashed line]].

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Good view of [[male symbol]]  feeding [[female symbol]] performance [[female symbol]] T from H repeatedly. [[male symbol]]  stands in M; silent M - M note - silent M - PAG - silent M - PAG - silent M - M note - silent M - M note as [[female symbol]] continues. [[male symbol]] suddenly regurges, [[female symbol]] rushes up & eats food. [[male symbol]]  immediately V - T - V - T - V. [[female symbol]] just V - HF - V - HF - V. Then [[male symbol]] continues T-ing steadily; but his posture becomes more & more like H. [[female symbol]] continues T-ing too; but she tends to keep in V between T's. [[male symbol]] does one PAG, several violent, rapid, and "nervous" preening movements interspersed with his T's. [[female symbol]] does one preen. Then both begin to preen in normal fashion & relax.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Noticed that back of [[male symbol]]'s head was thrown back right onto his shoulders when T'ing from V. But bill not pointed back very far. Hardly more than vertical - if that. Explains bevel in neck.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] M note can be transcribed as long-drawn, soft "Uhhhhh" or "Waaaooh"

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Now that I mention it, the M note and the second part of the L.C. are very similar; but the latter is louder, more "wailing "___" waahaaaauh" with a tendency to [[image - thick curved line thinning out, then broken into four little lines at the end]] 

[[margin]] * comm. area End 5:00 Begin 5:30 [[/margin]] √V.√V.√V.√V-√M. √V-√LCN. √O-√LCN in O posture √O-√LCN in O posture. √Gost-√Gost-√Gost. √V-√LCN-√V √V-√SS-√SS-√V-√Gost-√V.√V.√LCN. M & √M note -√Gost-√M & M note - M & √M note -√Gost-√Gost-√Gost-√Gost-. √O. √O-L. √V.√V. √V-√SS.

[[margin]] 3 vertical lines and vertical crosshatch pattern [[/margin]] Peculiar L.C. performance. Plain O as usual; then an extra "woaahaaauh" note as neck was slightly lowered. This lowering was itself peculiar - as the back of the head went down first, rather giving the impression of an